Adkins, Mattas, Mize Family History

June is Dairy Month! What could be a better and more nutritious recipe to add to any breakfast, snack or lunch than a cold glass of milk! Remember when it was delivered in glass bottles and left at your doorstep?

This month’s recipe is a story about the Klimisch Dairy in Yankton, South Dakota, as told by Ken Klimisch.

“My grandfather, Rudolph, came from Germany when he was small and settled on a homestead farm north of Yankton. After grandpa married, he and his wife lived on the original farm. My dad, William R. Klimisch was born there Dec. 7, 1907. 

Around 1918, my grandfather bought the farm just outside of Yankton and started the Klimisch dairy business. When my dad was older, he helped with the business. After my dad married my mom, Georgia Cwach, he completely took over the dairy. My dad and a helper milked the cows, put the milk in bottles and delivered the milk to individuals and other places in Yankton.

My dad died Feb. 10, 1944. After dad died mom ended the dairy business, rented out the farm and bought a house in Yankton.”

Ken saved the caps from the milk and cream bottles! He was kind enough to give me two!

Ken Klimisch with his sister, Karel (Klimisch) Toohey in front of the Dairy Barn. Circa 1940s

Rudolph Klimisch. Circa 1910s

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